Mini Marines Program

Our free Early Learning Program is full of resources, tools and activities to engage children, staff and  families.

Your centre can participate in five eco-competitions over the year to educate your children on environmental topics and help your centre reach its sustainability goals.

Program Inclusions

Our program aims to engage kids, families, staff and the community with sustainability, through:
  • Five themed eco-focuses such as gardening, waste reduction, and culture and Country.

  • Activities, competitions and prizes specifically designed to engage and interest young learners.

  • Resources to support each environmental theme and guide educators to help improve sustainability within their centre.

  • Links to the Australian Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being and Becoming.

  • Program resources created in consultation with educators passionate about conservation and environmental education for children.

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Mini Marines Snapshot

Over 150 Early Learning Centres involved
Mini Marines program facilitating environmental education from cradle to career
Resources to facilitate over 30+ hours of environmental education
Connections to industry experts, third party companies, incursions and excursions.
Helpful links to support educators reporting guidelines for principles and practices.
The program is flexible and adaptable to suit each centre’s available time and class size.

Create the Foundations for Lifelong Learning & Development

EcoMarines Foundation's Early Learning Program is about embedding sustainable practices within the early years. In just the first five years of a child’s life, their brain development will create the foundations for lifelong learning and development. Therefore, the importance of embedding sustainable practices at such a young age is crucial for our children to live a clean and green life.

This fun play-based program will provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise, and imagine throughout a variety of Eco-Focuses such as gardening, water conservation, waste reduction and more. This program is not just about the children, we want everyone involved!

EcoMarines Foundation want to educate families, staff, and the wider community. By encouraging children’s participation in experiences, challenges and activities that will strengthen their relationships with members of the wider community, it will contribute to their sense of belonging, being and becoming.

The program provides helpful resources, information and connections with third party companies to help educators create a sustainable centre. Furthermore, when educators create environments in which children experience mutually enjoyable, caring, and respectful relationships with people and the environment, children will respond accordingly.

As a community let us connect and contribute to our world and teach children to become socially responsible and show respect for their environment.
Teresa Hatcliffe
Educational Facilitator
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